Al Pastor Tacos

Al Pastor Tacos


  • 2 lbs. lean ground pork or diced pork
  • 2 oz. Chef Merito® Adobo para Carne al Pastor
  • ½ cup white onions, chopped
  • ½ cup canned pineapple, chopped
  • Corn or flour tortillas


  • ½ cup green sauce or red sauce
  • Guacamole (See our recipe HERE)


  1. In a skillet or medium saucepan, mix the lean ground or diced pork with 2 oz. of Adobo para Carne al Pastor.
  2. Cook over medium to low heat for approximately 10-12 minutes, stirring frequently until the meat is cooked through.
  3. Spoon the meat onto warm tortillas and top with onions, cilantro, lime wedges, pineapple, and guacamole.

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